Every Wednesday, I'm a volunteer instructor for a local GirlsWhoCode club in San Francisco. GirlsWhoCode happens to use the Khan Academy programming platform for all of the clubs, so it's a great excuse to use my curriculum in the wild, with real live high schoolers.
We've mostly been using the official curriculum and its projects so far, but in the last few weeks, we've been experimenting with new projects, just based on the topics that come up from the students that we think would be interesting to explore.
These projects are better done in a classroom setting, where there's a teacher to facilitate them, so instead of putting them into the official curriculum, I've made a new page in our coach resources section to link to lesson plans for each project.
To start off with, we have lesson plans for a fun multi-day Hangman project (shown below), and a shorter project around the Higher/Lower game and binary search. If you have project ideas from your own classrooms, please leave a comment here.

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